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Preserving Water Resources with Reservoir Roof Lining: Ensuring Safe Storage

Reservoirs play a crucial role in storing water for various purposes, from supplying communities with drinking water to supporting agricultural needs and industrial processes. To maintain the integrity of these water storage facilities, reservoir roof lining emerges as a vital solution. Roof lining systems, often made of durable and impermeable materials, offer protection against water loss due to evaporation and contamination, ensuring the stored water remains clean and readily available for use.

Understanding Reservoir Roof Lining

Reservoir roof lining involves the installation of impermeable barriers or liners on the top surface of a reservoir. This lining acts as a protective shield, preventing water loss through evaporation and minimising the risk of contamination, thereby preserving the quality and quantity of stored water.

Importance of Reservoir Roof Lining

Water Conservation

Evaporation accounts for significant water loss in reservoirs, especially in warmer climates. Roof lining significantly reduces this loss, conserving water resources and ensuring a more sustainable supply.

Contamination Prevention

By acting as a barrier, reservoir roof lining prevents external contaminants, such as dust, debris, or pollutants, from entering the water body. This helps maintain water quality and purity.

Long-Term Durability

A well-installed and maintained roof lining system enhances the lifespan of the reservoir by protecting its structural integrity, reducing maintenance needs, and ensuring continued functionality.

Types of Reservoir Roof Liners


Geomembranes, made from materials like HDPE or EPDM, offer impermeable barriers known for their durability and resistance to environmental factors like UV radiation.

Rubber Membranes

Rubber-based membranes, such as EPDM rubber, provide flexibility and excellent resistance to weathering, making them suitable for varying climates and temperatures.

Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Liners

PVC liners offer versatility and cost-effectiveness while providing strong resistance to chemicals and UV exposure.

Installation and Maintenance

Professional Installation

Expert installation of reservoir roof lining is essential for its effectiveness. Proper site preparation, precise installation techniques, and quality checks are crucial for ensuring a durable and reliable lining system.

Ongoing Inspection and Maintenance

Regular inspections help detect any signs of damage, wear, or deterioration in the roof lining. Timely repairs or maintenance prevent potential leaks and ensure the continued protection of the reservoir.


Reservoir roof lining stands as a vital component in the preservation and efficient utilisation of water resources. By preventing water loss through evaporation and safeguarding against contamination, these lining systems contribute significantly to sustaining water supplies for communities, agriculture, and industries.

Through the careful selection of lining materials, professional installation, and routine maintenance, reservoir owners and water managers can ensure the integrity of these essential water storage facilities. A well-maintained roof lining not only safeguards water quantity and quality but also supports the sustainable utilisation of this precious resource, benefiting both present and future generations.

To find out more about our products and services and how we can help you, please contact us using the below –

Tel: 01695 228626
Email: enquiries@enviroseal.co.uk
